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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I am looking for a tatoo with flowers and someting meaning child or son can you


I am looking for a tatoo with flowers and someting meaning child or son can you help?

I want a tatoo. Not sure exactly what I want or how I want it. I need some ideas so please help me. I have an 6mo little boy and want something meaning child or son. I could even use his name if I found something I liked well enough to put it in there. I want flowers around it but am not sure what kind. If you have any ideas that could help send them my way please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well dear u want to represent ur son throuh flower . Well sunflower is considred as male .Dont u see that they use sun ,round and a baby's smiling face inside (like sunflower).So if u want to tell that u hav a son, tatooo a sunflower (and a smiling face of a baby inside the circle). It is being used in Cartoons. The other Idea is to tatooo a big rose and put a small baby (or whatsoever) sleeping on(in) it. If u want me to make some cool sketches to show how will it look like then u can email me. I'll surely do some artistic work to sketch some cool looking tatooooooooos!