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Where is that perfect and CREATIVE ART CLASS? Does it really exist?

Hi, I am currently looking for an art class in LA area.
I have seen some art classes but they seem to lack the
discipline I am looking for. Mostly what I have found is
people teaching for recreational and not for the real matter
of improving.

what are the best questions to ask when finding a class?

In other words, how is a class supposed to be broken down?

Hands on training?
Home practice?
By learning technique? If so what is technique?

what is the best way to define the perfect art class.

If I have never taken an art class what should I expect in one that is good or one that is not good?

I certainly don't want to go to a class where students
are left out drawing somewhere, being able to leave after they done
and not receiving critique for what they have done as how to learn.

I really what someone to tell me that what I am doing wrong
and what I should be doing to move forward in my craft.

What do you suggest?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, each class, even within the organization of a school, is going to vary with the teacher. If there is only one teacher, what is offered is what you get. If you want critiquing, you will have to look for classes that offer that, without the blistering of a nasty guy if you can't put up with that. You have asked a series of good questions, now visit the classes or schools and ask teachers, then talk to students. If a student likes the classes, ask why and if they don't, also ask why. Also ask if they have taken classes elsewhere that they liked better or worse and ask why. Listen between the lines - a student's comment "he made us work too hard" may be exactly what you want, while "she expected us to draw just like she did" may not.
In older days, all "classes" were training under an artist and if you look at detailed biographies, you will find that artists changed studios 5-6-7 times before setting up on their own.