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How do i publish poetry? Im only 17 and im a bit of a amature -what do people think of my poem?

A vision to be in a place were time doesn??t matter,
that facing me lay nothing except a path to wander upon,
were I??d no longer need to co-exist along side time.
Were all things are achievable without the resonance of a
clock behind my shoulder.
In opposition, what decisions would I make if it weren??t
Inhabited by tomorrow?
Would the pressure of time hinder me to put things right?
Or in fact is time the essence of life and how
all things can be achieved?
Does each moment inside time imprison the core of my
being and all that follows?
Would my thoughts transcend into nothing if I had no time
to prevent my self from thinking?
Will time stand motionless if I stop moving and all before me
decides to seize, or will time persist with out the
acknowledgment that I??m no longer following?
The resolution to no longer follow time gives me space to
comprehend that this elusive emotion is indicating
tht I hve liberty to view everything within time from were time began.

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2 months ago
To norelief13: what does free verse mean? p.s thanks for your advice!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Stay away from -- it's a huge scam.

Try, although I warn you to wear your tough skin.
But if you want to improve that's a good place to start.