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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I own a May 1908 Saturday Evening Post and am looking to sell it to a collector.


I own a May 1908 Saturday Evening Post and am looking to sell it to a collector. Where do I go?

The Saturday Evening Post I have is in mint condition(no rips,tears,and the color is good) . My husband and I found it in our attic when we bought the house and are looking to sell it to someone who collects them. Please let me know where to go to do this. We do not want it to go to someone who will throw it on the floor for their dogs mess, but someone who will treasure it for what it is.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You might try a specialist collectors section on Ebay. Lots of collectors worldwide use it for all sorts of things. They do have special services such as Escrow payments and verifier dealers (for quality) and so on . Have a look at it and if you have any questions try the Community forum or seek out the guides that the site produces. It's worth having a look as the charges maybe cheaper than alternatives.