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How is my poem, and what should I title it?

She sits with an empty head
The bees swivel around it
Her world is vague; emptiness
She is gas, she is not made

Or she is a statue
Plants grow on her, swirling
Her world is hard; cold
She is stone, she had cracked

Perhaps she is water
Made of many different things, floating
Her world is all degrees blue
She is separated; deep

Continue it, if you want, or insult it, or praise it, or criticism would be best.
Yeah, it does kinda suck. It's a first draft of how I feel at the moment.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

just some thoughts to add to your draft.
She will light up your world
She will put your lights out.
She is power
She is she powerless.
She is she and no more.