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Is nude modelling perverted? Is ART taking the p!ss?

There's a woman I know who does nude modelling. She's done it for the same artist since she was about 16 and she's now in her late twenties! From what she's told me he sees EVERYTHING! I find myself being very judgemental about this as I think that it's wrong and that she's extremely naive. He's much older than her and I just think that there is no way in hell that he hasn't had a w@nk over her at some point, but she seems to think that it's all very innocent. She's got a boyfriend too, which is a serious relationship. I just think that women should be more cautious about revealling their bodies and should have more self respect. Especially for her partner too. What man would want his girlfriend, that he loves, to be flashing her f@nny around infront of some old guy?? What does she get from it? Surely being naked infront of her partner is enough to make her feel beautiful? Am keen to hear both perspectives on this, male and female. Is it wrong?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There is nothing wrong with nude art. The female, and arguably the male, body is a beautiful thing. Life drawing is a fundamental skill that they teach at all art colleges. It is important, however, for a model to trust entirely the man whom she ismodelling for. There are obviously those who would abuse their position as artists. That your friend was only 16 when she began is slightly concerning because, as you say, she would have been naive then. So long as there is trust between the model and artist, I see nothing wrong with it though.