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Another Poem... what is your feeling on this one?

These crooked arms embrace me
Like a wet blanket on a chilly night
taking me through the green fields of December
To find a love I could not remember

I don't know what goes through my thoughts
for these crooked arms embrace me
leaving me naked in the snow
while through this coldness flows the warmest tear

Confusion trying to convince me
To stay away from those loving arms
and though it may be just an illusion
the crooked arms embrace me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow, this is almost like a pantoum. I love the cadence and the sandwiching of the line "these crooked arms embrace me". Speaking of which, the cold and confusion makes me feel that the arms embracing you aren't really the arms of love but like the empty temptation of an addiction they hold you, and do not offer warmth, or fulfillment, or peace, or joy, yet still they keep embracing and your mind still tries to believe that the crooked arms are something they are not.