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Can anyone help me make up a thesis with disloyalty in the 1950s?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you're referring to the Red Scare and Sen. McCarthy's Communist hunt, here's some ideas. After World War II, the U.S. and other Western nations were concerned about the rise of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism around the world. In the beginning of this cold war, Americans also fretted about communism in its midst. A modern-day witch hunt ensued, with Sen. McCarthy leading the way by holding hearings in the Senate to ferret out communists in government and the entertainment industries. Many famous actors, playwrights and directors were subpoenaed to the hearings. Some handed over names and details of others in the industry who they said were communist. Others resisted. Those who resisted, who would not turn over names or details, were seen as disloyal to the cause of stopping the spread of communism.

Among other dissenters during this time was the playwright Arthur Miller, who wrote "The Crucible" to show America what it was doing was similar to the witch hunts in the 17th century.

I'd suggest you look up McCarthyism and Arthur Miller in your research. From there you'll find other connections and details you can draw from. Good luck!