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What do you think of my poem?

"The World"
What has the world come to
why have these people try to destroy me and you.
Murders,rapes,kidnapping,and stealing,
cheating,lying,hurting,and killing
They have done nothing but try to kill
and force us to do things against our will.
We want this pain to stop and come to an end,
and we want someone to just be our friend.
We just don't understand why,
they get joy making us and our families cry.
The pain these killers had to cause,
has made our happiness come to a pause.
We wonder when is this going to come to an end
and when is God coming back again.
Only time will tell,
when God will come back to choose who
is going to heaven and to hell.
Our world is coming to an end,
and hopefully our pain and grief will end as well.

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2 months ago
to answer your question Kody S is that this doesn't relate to me that much but it does relate to me a little bcuz i have been picked on,hurt,and people have treated me wrong all my life and i guess that is what makes me this way but not all of my poems that i write are like this but i do have a lot of poems that talk about how i hate being picked on all the time and how hard it is to be a teenager but how we just have to keep going on no matter how hard it gets. Hope that answers your question.

2 months ago
i was actually writing this to send to the people at virginia tech but i had a letter attached to it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

like your poem the truth is a morals issue no morals no guilt for bad behavior. it is also called desensitization for evil