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Describe your idea for a conceptual art installation.?

10 points to the arty-fartiest idea.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In a corner of the art gallery a room is built by drywalling out from the 2 adjacent walls, leaving an opening the size of a standard doorway. A velvet stage curtain covers the opening. The room is dark; furnished with an old recliner and a TV. The TV is on but the image is scrambled. A hidden VCR is playing a tape on which the scrambled signal of the local cable smut channel is playing on a loop. Intermittent flashes of flesh penetrate the scramble for mere milliseconds. The sound is on but there is no verbiage- no words at all, only the sounds of lovemaking. These sounds should be little louder than a whisper, drawing people to investigate. Admittance is one at a time. Define the obscenity and its source.