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Rate these poems?

One young man, did what he can.
To relieve his hatred, jealousy and fear.
In the end, all he could do was just disappear.
However he also bought down his peers
And with that, he left us all in tears

Two young twins, standing strong and tall,
Until the day were planned to fall.
All it took was one small bird,
To this day it caused things that seem absurd.

they r 2 different poems but can u rate them on a scale of 1-5. 1 being the worst and 5 being the best

Additional Details

2 months ago
they are supose to be nursery rhymes and to address important events

2 months ago
i m a kid so helping out would be great

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i am not very good in English , i dont know if i understand it completely or not, but it seems you are so depressed. ,am i right?

i think the first one is better than the second.they are seemed to some how related to each other.
first:5 ( i really feel it) second: 4