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10 year old trying to make money?

Ok my 10 year old sister is trying to raise about $200.00. She wants 100 and she wants to donate 50 to a animal shlter and 50 to a homeless shelter anyways to raise money?
Oh and she has to work with a friend not by herself and if you say lemonade stand or babysitter please tell me how to get wood or what to use for a stand and where do i put up posters for baby sitter or yard workers and how should i decorate them likewhat information should i put on it and she does't get allowence so not allowence anyway thanks so much!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

She's a little young to babysit, but what she could do (with your help) is print up a flier explaining what she's trying to do and what work she's willing to do like:

Yard work, pulling weeds

Mother's Helper: helping around the house with the mom there or watching the kids while she gets her work done

Wash cars

Wash windows and help with other spring cleaning jobs

You get the idea, be creative. Then pass the fliers out around the neighborhood to FAMILIES YOU KNOW. Don't solicit strangers (she's only 10 years old). You can also pass them out to teachers at school, families at church, etc.

Where she's trying to raise some of the money for charity, you might get some people willing to give her work.

Good luck!!!