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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > My love is my soil.. the soil to every seed of success I plan to grow, as every


My love is my soil.. the soil to every seed of success I plan to grow, as every fruit goes beyond human comp..

rehension, paused and realized by my own salvation and duration. But is the soil is not the one, to let me plant, to let me chant beside it's melodies of birds, sweet acorns and every curd, I shall realize I must fight for the love that comes first sight, the one we usually don't realize, and leave it to every discise, mascarade with black tiny kittens, tall thin women with long to elbows mittens. But then as we go to the fair, sit down in every theater chair, and see the show that we all know, but let it blow so it can all go, with winds soft surrender..
What does this make you think about? is it too weird? It just dosen't clasp into place, does it? please give me your opinion about what did this make you feel.

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you said a lot first you send out 3 different opinions try just one at a time but I do not fight for love yes a little weird too much at once