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Can someone help me "dissect" this poem?


Words, one by one
arrive on the empty page
ike honored guests.
ordered thoughts move
outside the window,
onthe sill,
i see the figure of a bid,
sun on its feathers-
a brownish, medium sized bird
i try to wake it away,
but it intrudes more stubbornly.
it has a quizzical look in its eye
ignoring its rude presence
i try to compose my lines
but i feel uneasy
being observed by a brownish, medium sized bird
with sun on its feathers -

i understand how its saying the bird is giving the poet inspiration, but is there more of a deeper meaning?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think he is talking about the deconstruction and a construction of a poem. He dissect the "anatomical" parts of the bird: feathers, size; such as a poem: words, pages, thoughts all form a poem. Well it's one part, another part I was thinking of the objective/subjective viewer in the poem how it plays to a construction of the poem versus solitude and freedom of writing one without the fear of judgment of those to read....I hope this helps if you can make sense of it!