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How near is our technology into making a machine that can manufacture grass into milk?

i mean is it possible to do this with our technology today, to simulate a cows digestive system that can make milk from grass and water in 24 hours, it can help billions of lives specially those very poor nations whose people are dying from starvation?

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Technically milk is not made from grass as such, all mammals make milk, but not all mammals eat grass, I know my wife doesnt eat grass anyway, and she made plenty of milk when she had our children. Its just that cows happen to eat grass, and other animals eat other thing, the reason they eat so much grass is that grass is very low in nutrients, a bit like the Giant Panda which has to eat almost constantly because bamboo is even lower in nutrients than grass, and pandas make milk too. The milk is actually made from a myriad of fats, minerals, chemicals and all sorts of enzymes, such as calcium, lactose etc that are excreted by the cows mammary glands. I suppose technically that it would be possible to make a machine to produce milk, but the raw materials going in would most likely not be grass, but the minerals and enzymes and fats that are actually in the milk, either that or there would need to be an anus on the machine to spit out all the other waste products in the grass which are not used in milk production, just like in the cow. I suspect it would probably be way too expensive and too complicated to produce milk that way, when cows do such a good job and all the raw materials come free from mother earth.