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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Independent inventor? Do you feel you've been treated unfairly while disclosing


Independent inventor? Do you feel you've been treated unfairly while disclosing an idea to a company?

If you're an independent inventor and have a story to share regarding any "negative treatment" you feel you may have received from a company you disclosed to, I would like to hear your story.

Please express as to whether or not you feel any
"ethics" were violated while you were dealing with that company.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In a culture which is drenched in greed and psychopathy at all levels, especially among the "elite"/wealthy, don't you think that retaining the services of competent counsel under the circumstances, while dealing with the predators, would be advisable. Rather than discovering, after the fact , that you've been "used and abused".

Being "screwed" by corporate troglodytes IS the rule, never the exception, sadly, is it not? :)))

I'm always sorry to hear about misfortunes experienced by decent people who are unaware of this "truth".