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Is this a good haiku poem to represent our "Fiesta" in San Antonio?

Fiesta is a big celebration here in San Antonio. It's kinda like a big, Mexican Mardi Gras. And a cascaron is a hollowed out colorfully dyed egg filled with confetti that you crack over someone's head. It's a Mexican tradition thing..anyway, here's my "Ode to Fiesta": (it's a haiku)

Hey cascarron head
Please keep your confetti hair
out of my beer cup!

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2 months ago
It is TOO a poem! Not all poems rhyme! A haiku is a poem constructed of 5 syllables, then 7, then 5 again. That's what my poem has..geez.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, it's not really a haiku. Borderline Senyru. There's no abstraction here. I might give you cascarron as a seasonal word, but even so, I don't think the conversational "Hey" is helping convince anyone that this is either a haiku or senyru.


There are a lot of people floating around here who THINK they know what haiku is. Anyone who believes that the 5-7-5 rule is the most important thing to making a haiku may as well say something like "I just learned about them in my 5th grade class last thursday." Seriously, want to know about haiku? Or are you merely interested in having someone agree with you so you can make yourself feel semi-validated? Go here: Have a look around. Find some of the essays on writing haiku, read some of the haiku, then tell me you can come back here and tell you who is giving you an honest answer and who is stroking you for cheapest ten points ever.