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Do you think it's possible to become a pianist at 20yrs?

I haven't gone to music school. Now I'm 20 and am trying to make my dream come true - I learn to play the piano. Tonalities, accords sound like chineese to me:) So do you think I have any chance to become an at least so-so player? Do you know anyone who succeeded in similar situation?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

That's the perfect age to start...
I highly recommend it, even if it doesn't pan out as a career...
I learned to play guitar at age 18, just as a diversion to avoid the sadness of my parents "amicable" divorce...(Mom didn't handle it very well, at first, and I was still living at home during my senior year of high school)
Since then, I have fulfilled my dream of playing in rock bands a dozen times, obtained a life-long hobby and habit that has zero negative side effects (with the exception of keeping the neighbors awake or waking them up) and it's been proven "scientifically-without-a-doub... that it improves your brain function (makes you smarter).

It's a no brainer...
Do it...
If you don't...
You'll "rue the day..."

(I always dreamed of using that last phrase in a sentence)

Another dream fulfilled...

I'm a lucky guy...

Thanks, "younger-version-of-myself" for learning to play guitar...

You're welcome...