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Twisted is My Mind, My Soul and My Heart

My entire being lost in a trance of thought.

Trapped in a pitch black hole; enclosing day by

day. No serene place to escape to:no how to

way Emotions running wild, filling with ounces of

denial. Pain increasing in a heart barely that of

beating. The person you need to be there, does

not at all care. And those who do, can't help

what life has dealt. Dying inside, why won't you

help me thrive? You know what I need, yet you

give a dagger to me. It's as if im someone

different now in your wicked eyes, catching me

by a relentless wave of surprise. I was not the

one who you so wholly loved. For it I was, how

could you be crafting my demise? The cruel

words are like like a needle snaking through my

skin. I had your heart, out of my hands it slipped

as grain.

Forging ahead, but the pain entirely remains.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

First write a farewell letter to whoever you describe as your tormentor.
The flow, grip, and homogenous expression are all OK for the poem otherwise.
Whatever happened to Odes, ballads and rhyme in poetry?