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My writing?

i write these things and i was told i was good but i dont really think i am buit i need more then just 3 people but her is my latest one my heart is filled with broken dreams but filld with thoese who love me i played chess with my heart yet i have come to win my heart has a throne awaiting for the royaled one to come my heart is filled with un forgiven love and my heart is just filled with dreams to never to come true but still filled by the ones who actualy love me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Um, I think this is one of those things where you need to decide if you think it is good, not anyone else. A million people could respond and tell you that it is amazing, but until you think so it totally does not matter what other people will say to praise you or not. Have a little more confidence you know whether or not you think it is good, you have the ability to make decisions, use it!