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Thesis for video games?

ok, i have a research paper due in 2 weeks and we get to pick any kind of topic to write about. I chose to write about how video games affect children/ teens but i don't have a thesis...can you help me out???!!!

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2 months ago
ok, change of plans....i came up w/ this thesis statement: video games, television and music can cause violence in our society. What's your opinion? i was thinking it was a little too broad so suggestions are welcome!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Maybe a spin on a classic philosophical debate: does reality emulate video games or do video games emulate reality? (Typically that question is asked with regard to art.)

With regards to children and teens, when are video games a healthy diversion and when do they cut into school work, sleep, etc?

Of course there's the whole thing about violence in video games and does it lead to violent kids... but that's been done to death already.

You could talk about the marketing and business side of video games with respect to children and teens.

Just some ideas off the top of my head! Good luck!