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Writing advice?

I've heard all of the "write for yourself", "write about what you know", "organize" "just let it come" .. etc.. and I realize I have to discover what works best for me through experience.

What I am asking here is for specific writing advice, whether it be a certain technique, place you write, ways to get the mind and ideas flowing...ANYTHING specific, little tricks that help you..

Interesting tricks that help you..

Just please no cliched answers.

Thank you!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I've written several dozen short stories and only gotten two published but with me a story just sits in my mind for many, many months with absolutely nothing on paper but the story line discussed briefly with my best friends. Then one day, when the time is right, I just start writing. No character summation sheets, no nothing on paper. Just start writing. Afterwards, I type it into the computer and make essential changes, sometimes quite a few changes and sometimes very few changes. Then over the next few weeks it's touched up a bit until I feel I have it "just right."