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What careers can I do if I major in Art History?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The answer is pretty much whatever you want.

People with Art History undergraduate degrees can go on to be artists, curators, arts administrators (people who work for art institutions in various capacities), writers (more than just art), business people (a gallery, or art wholesaler, or any other business that requires good writing and analytical skills, clothing or antique boutique owner ), publicists (this means writing and promoting an artist), development (fundraising for nonprofits), teachers (all levels), or even fashion.

It just depends on you and what you want to get from your education. My suggestion is to minor in either business or a foreign language of your choice. This will add some choices and more dynamic to your degree.

If you are a good student at the undergraduate level, you may want to consider a Masters degree. Traditionally, Master degrees tend to be more professionally oriented towards job training.

You could end up being a lawyer!