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What does it mean to be 'enriched' by a work of art?

Ever since I was in the eighth grade, English teachers have told me that one gets 'enriched' by reading quality poetry and fiction. Do you agree, and what does the concept of 'enriched' mean to you in this context?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It means that you gained insight and appreciated some aspect of life that you wouldn't have noticed before by reading or observing.

I think most people who are forced to read literature in school, or observe works of art involuntarily are not benefitted in any way whatsoever, because their minds are not open to such things from the outset.

In order to achieve an epiphany, it's more desireable and likely to happen if one is NOT seeking to have it happen. Such is the case with becoming enriched by poetry and literature.

To actually "get it" when it comes to art or literary concepts, it's best to have an open mind, but not be pushed into it.