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Is there any YOUNG people who enjoy classic music, books and art? were are they?I can't find them?

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Do you mean classical music, "classical" books, and "classical" art?

- If so, I have to say that there aren't that many, although I was one not that long ago. The problem is that we are no longer living in the world that produced the "classical" arts because classical only really means that they have been considered good enough to save from the trash bin of history. Most kids are more interested in what is going on today as it is more relavent to there experiences.

Now, if you meant books, and art, I have better news for you.

-Literature and the visual and performing arts are alive and well. We have a far higher precentage of kids in art schools today than in any other point in history. They are creating work that is creative, insightful, and just as worthy of preserving as the classics.

We must preserve the best of the arts in the past, but art is a living thing.