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Why do we get goose bumps when we listen to great songs, movies,plays etc?

Why do we get goose bumps when we listen to great songs, movies,plays etc.
I thought that we feel the way we THNK.
but when I get goose bumps from great songs etc,
I dont think I'm thinking anything.
Why is that? I mean, how is this emotional reaction created?
any idea?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think it has to do with how art imitates life. When we see a situation unfold on the stage or hear music that appeals to our own hidden emotions, we cannot help but experience this bizarre and chilling reaction. With plays, it may be that (whether we realize it or not) we somehow relate to what is happening but would not have come up with the consequences or plot on our own. So, to see how things COULD be, we are swept away by an alternate version of reality.
In the case of music, it may be the specific combination of sounds brings up a natural reaction; when I listen to songs that contain a lot of violin, whether in the background or at the forefront, I know I get chills and sometimes it makes me get a lump in the back of my throat. I've never known anyone who played violin so I have no pinpointed emotional attachment to the type of sound, but that is the reaction I have. It is definitely a neat phenomenon!