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Are you okay with clones of humans?

Is cloning people okay with you?
How would you feel if you were a clone of someone else who is just an average person?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Very interesting topic.

I don't think we should clone anything, animal or human. It looks like we are playing god(s) if we do so. I think it is OK to know that it is achievable scientifically. But we should know when to stop. It would be too dangerous if we let it goes like wild fire.

If I knew that I were a product of cloning. I would be very sad if it happened now, no matter if I was cloned for an average person or for someone very special. I would be sad because most people come to this world naturally except me. But if it happened in an era most of human were cloned. Then I think I would have a totally different mind set. Depends of the situation, if I were cloned to service those non-cloned people. I would be anger all the time. If I were cloned to fulfill someone's dream, I might feel very OK about that. Who knows, too many possibilities.