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I do art, but my parents think it's a waste of time, shouldi just ignore them?

I'M 27 . I like to draw, and do computer graphics and that's what i do all the time when i have time. i live with parents so they always see that i'm doing art and stuff in my room. I even show them but .. they always ask "Is this gonna make you money?" and then i say No..

Anyways, they think that art is a waste of time if i don't make money out of it. But i do it for my own happiness and as a mental exercise. it's my passion, my life.

im just a quiet person with no friends, but I enjoy doing art.

My parents will never accept me doing art. Instead they would love me to be a talkative business guy. By the way my parents are immigrants and always did labor and worked hard for their money. So my father always feels that anything i do should be for money.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Nothing you enjoy doing that hurts no other creature is a waste of time. Ask them if they would feel better if you were hanging out in bars with friends; not that that's a bad thing, in moderation.

I do not know your financial situation, but by age 27 shouldn't you have your own place? Then you wouldn't have to excuse your activities to anyone.