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How does one deal with being a genius?

I've got ADD/ADHD and have learned to mix it with my creative juices. I have an unrelenting curiosity and I naturally learn things. I also cannot remember anything, consequently killing my grades throughout school. People think I'm an idiot, however I've been sitting on hundreds of ground-breaking ideas. I can come up with unique ideas for anything. I've got a problem though. No one knows who I am, and nearly everybody thinks I'm a dumbass, even my own parents. I keep to myself for the most part, and have only recently revealed a couple of ideas to friends, who were amazed. I am at a transition point similiar to Einsteins, as people thought he was mentally retarded. I do not know where to go from here, and without the support of my parents I feel like taking a hammer to my head. I am usually very humble about my talents, however I need some guidance from someone. --- P.S. Sorry about not using the 'genius lingo'.

Additional Details

2 months ago
and to distinguish myself from those who make similiar fake claims, here is a breif description of my talents: My creativity ranges from music to perfecting the act of shooting a basketball. I've recieved recognition for my artwork, photography, etching, as well as graphic design work. I have begun to write movie scripts, as well as my first novel. I study philosophy, and have explored a few undiscovered realms. I've invented a new form of government (actually it would be an updated form of democracy) that would revitalize American politics, the best plan for 'world peace' possible (although politicians today would be unwilling), and created the future of the internet and computers (currently in the works). Since I have just recently learned of my potential, all of this, and a ton more, has been done within a year. I do not wish to have to prove myself, however, I feel people will laugh when they initially read the question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You must develop execution of your ideas, the ability to turn something into reality. Start writing down your ideas - for starters, a spreadsheet like Excel is good for this. Now you have a collection of ideas. As you visit this worksheet, group your ideas by connections - this will help you find your specialties and refine your interest. If nothing else, this might generate some clues that lead to a great job in a field that you are passionate about.

You will find that one or two of the ideas are more well developed than the others. Hopefully, that idea is also realistic (in other words, you can accomplish it with your own labours and money.) This is where it gets difficult. You have to figure out a plan to make your ideas real. Commit to building a prototype, drawing a sketch, writing an article, whatever is the nature of your idea. Start managing your project. Identify the steps you need to take, and take the steps, even if only one step per week (1. Buy pencils to draw sketch of solar powered airplane.)

You say you cannot remember anything. You need to study this yourself, get professional help, or roll with it. If necessary, carry an appointment book, or notepad so that you are constantly in touch with what you need to know (I live off of my PDA!)

Einstein was almost diagnosed retarded because he barely spoke for years as a child. Your ADD gives you a choice - you can use it to scatter your life, or you can use it to give you drive to a goal. That choice is yours.