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What does being 'an artist' mean to you? Do you describe yourself as an artist?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Artist means many things to me.

I have always been an artist but have only recently claimed the name

Since the first days of my memory I have taken an artistic path

-seeing patterns that connect
-using metaphors for everything
-feeling free while creating
-intrigued by color, light and depth
-energized by thought
-motivated and driven to express the essence of things beyond words
-I want to explore communication with images
-investigate underlying causes
-understanding that the process is the point
-appreciating art for arts sake and being excited about most art I see
-I see 'angles' that others people miss

on the most personal level it is a way to be accepted by those I dad, my mom.....with it they approve of me are proud of me, my quirkiness is forgiven and treasured....I struggle with the fear I am immature...then dance that I can still look at the world with child's eyes!!!!!!