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Why is anime turning emo and the boys look like girls?

why is anime turning so gay and emo i mean the boys look like girls see with their big hair and bangs and huge eyes and ridiculously small pointy noses. and now most aspiring artist are adapting the anime style which is really sad. i mean look at this crap yuck its unoriginal and crappy . sure there are some anime exceptions like this its original. but i still wish people would start making their own style rather than adapting this bug eyed crap and don't give me that " big eyes express emotion" nonsense becuase there are plenty of ways to express emotion without having to draw people with eyes the size of melons

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your question is misleading as all of your links go to manga influenced sites rather than any anime.

You may prefer this artist's manga influenced style. Maybe not. But these guys don't look like girls. I can say that since I know one of the people whose face inspired one of the guys and he definitely does not look like a girl. Neither in real life nor in this web comic.