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What do you think about this picture (factory workers)?

Do you think they are happy? What do you think is in their mind right now? From that picture, which ones do you think have a girlfriend/boyfriend or even a child, or a social life outside their job? Do you think they will have a chance to get better life conditions? Do you think their children or grand children will ever have a chance to?

Tell me what comes to your mind while seeing this picture! Try to imagine yourself there. This made me realize that "cheap labor" in other countries are also human like you and me, they have sentiments, they have friends and a social life, they do other things outside their work, etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I feel sorry for the quality of life these workers probably experience due to their work. The sorrow comes from the fact these people are forced to work in these conditions, horrendously long hours for a pittance of what the goods retail for, due to lack of alternatives. This is the sorry side dish served to the developing capitalist nations. Multinational companies are able to shop for cheap labour offshore where currency is weak and unemployment is high, giving them a powerful position to commit mass exploitation of these workers. They have no worker representation and their govts afford these multinationals such power as to attract more capital. What's even more sorry is the fact that though i've given such an answer, i still enjoy a cafe mocha without knowing where the beans are from, and i love my nikes though i'm sure they came from the sweat of a grossly underpaid worker. The multinationals have a terrible power over us all