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Pros & cons: censorship in arts?

What are some reasons people are against it?
And why are the for it?

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2 months ago
haha oops, I meant to say:
And why are THEY for it?

And I mainly want to know about the censorship of art, like drawings, paintings, sculptures...etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well, generally people are for censorship if something offends them and they feel they have the right to avoid feeling offended. Some limited censorship is based on hard evidence that the material can be harmful (examples: kiddie porn, inciting to riot, racial bigotry). In may other cases, like adult porn, the evidence for social harm is inconclusive, and the objections are more based on moral ground.

The anti-censorship side holds, with significant evidence, that a free interchange of ideas is essential to promote progress. Censorship, except in limited situations, can prevent or delay new scientific and medical breakthroughs. They correctly point out that what is considered pornography today was considered religious worship or fine art in other places and times (Periclean Athens, or France under Louis XIV, for example).