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Should works of art be returned to their country of origin?

Many works of art and cultural value have been taken away from their country of origin, for example the obelisk in Paris. Should they be returned?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yes, they should be returned.
After all, they belong to that country, the citizens of that country identify with that particular work of art, and taking them away permanantly would be as good as ripping away their sense of identity, unity and togetherness, because it takes away what they see as the common symbol that their country is known for.

I feel it is not right to take away permanantly works of art from their countries of origin. What is the purpose, then, if they are not on home soil? They do not belong in other countries, on foreign land, and only in their own country of origin will the citizens truly appreciate, love, and adore that work of art.

hope i've helped!
that's a thought-provoking question you have there!