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Do you enjoy reading humorous true life stories?

Here's one.
A while back I was in temp housing and broke.
I had an offer of a nearly new mattress from a mate at work which I accepted and arranged to pick it up.
I collected it from his garage which I thought was strange as it was almost new. I tied it to my roof rack and set off home.
The weather was horrendous no rain but one of the worst gales in UK history, the mattress banged and slapped about on the roof rack so much that it made it too dangerous to drive so,reluctantly, I stopped the car untied the mattress and hauled it over to a dry stone wall bordering a field and tried to throw it over the wall-no luck the wind was just too strong so I left it propped up against the wall and drove off feeling very guilty about what had just happened.
Come the new week at work I was a little sheepish when I saw my mate especially as he would not talk to me - I persisted and after 3 days he finally broke his silence, he said that he was aware of what I had done as his wife a solicitor's

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2 months ago
clerk travelled that way to work and as bad luck would have it she spotted it and was furious about it and really chewed him out so much so that she forced him into taking the back seats out of their car and go and retrieve it.

So he set out at 10pm to pick it up, he found it in exactly the same place I had left (dumped) it and managed to roll it up and tie it securely then squeeze it through the the back door of his car - he was about half done when a beam of torchlight shone in his eyes and an authorative voice enquired as to what he was up to, he stammered a reply that he was just picking up this mattress to take home of course it was the police and they did not believe a word he told them as their had been several incidents of fly tipping in the area so they ran a complete documents/profile check on him - even phoning his wife to cross check his story after an hour he was allowed to proceed with the police following all the way back to his home.
He has never spoken to me again

2 months ago
I have since found out that his wife divorced him because she caught him in bed with another women - and that is why the mattress was in the garage and why she got so upset seeing it propped up against a wall on a busy route into her workplace

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I hope that you finally got a new mattress. Your friend should have understood that you wouldn't have left it if there had been any way for you to make it home with it. But can't blame his wife for leaving if he had been with another woman. But it was a good story!