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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > I got a 'satirical' project to do. gotta make fun of the KKK. any ideas?


I got a 'satirical' project to do. gotta make fun of the KKK. any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow. Well, this should be easy, and fun!
You could imagine them in the situation where they designed and sewed their ridiculous robes. I think anyone that evil looks silly making a costume.
KKK man 1: Hey Bob, what are you wearing to the rally tonight?
KKK man 2: I don't know, I don't really think about those things...
KKK man 1: Oh.

KKK man 1: You know, I was thinking it'd be really cool if we had matching outfits.
KKK man 2: ...
KKK man 1: Like a baseball team. You know. Man stuff.
KKK man 2: Like what?
KKK man 1: Well! I was thinking a long, flowing robe of some sort-
KKK man 2: Like a dress?
KKK man 1: No! A robe... With a matching hat. And it'd all be white...

You get the picture.
Another one could be something involving the KKK baking, and not wanting to use chocolate....