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Art in certain locations.?

Do you think different types of art themes should be in different locations?

Like if some artworks have themes that might be inappropriate, do you think they should be placed in certain locations & have a warning about what the theme is so people can decide whether they want to see it or not?

Or should they be out anywhere for anyone to see?

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2 months ago
Or what do you think they should do?

2 months ago
What I mean to say is that, should artwork with explicit themes (nudity) be set apart from other works of art?
Like be placed into a different room in a museum with a warning saying that the artwork shows nudity?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Location is in my opinion just as important as the work itself. For example, the white, empty rooms in museums give that feeling of formality to anything in it.

Next time you're in an art museum, look around and you'll see (especially in the post-modern rooms) that half of the stuff they have in there would look just plain silly anywhere else.