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What is your dream?

what is that something that would make you so happy, something you want so much ... that you're almost scared to admit how much you need it, so you're calling it a dream and not a plan

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2 months ago
do you stil hope that dream will come true?

2 months ago
thank you, holly_baker20 ... at least one person here understod the question ...
don't give up on your dream .. I think you'll be happy to know that you share that dream with many many people! And we will make it happen!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This is going to sound really boring............
But you asked.
To me a dream is something that is in reality unlikely to happen. We can wish for things and in essence we do it every day. A dream is far more emotive than a wish, its something we want with our heart and soul.
My dream??????
Is to see Greyhound Racing banned world wide.
Told you it was boring...........
Click link below if you want to know why.

Everyday my dream becomes more and more real, as does my belief.