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Which is best a Mandolin or Lute?

I've been wanting to buy one of these forever and finally have the money, but I can't decide between the Mandolin or Lute? I've searched on the Net for Info but it doesn't really show any differences between the two. The music I'd like to play would be Classical/Celtic/Folk/Jazz. I was wondering if anyone knew what the major differences between a Mandolin (A-Style with oval holes or F holes) and a Lute?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

try to find wav files online of the sounds they make -- i think they sound quite different. personally, i like the lute better -- especially if you want to go for a Celtic feel, or new-agey.

there really is no "best" when it comes to stuff like this. perhaps try looking up a major music store on line and see if they list more info in catelogs. after all, they'll be trying to reel in a buyer, so they'll put as much info on there as they can.