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Cant we see where the world has gone?

Answer if you want, but its time to start contemplating this question. isnt this the time? oh but it is.

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2 months ago
I dont know where you live or what they teach you, seems to me that you guys dont love the world.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Sure I have seen where the world has gone, but the problems we have today cannot be solved over night. It will take a collective effort by everyone to want to solve the problems. There is just too much hatred in this world for these problems to go away. It will not happen in this lifetime, but it will happen sometime in the future. It will take something cataclysmic to do it, but it will happen. I wish it could happen in this lifetime. I will not worry though. I just live my life day to day and hope for the best. If I worried about everything in this world, I would be sick all the time. I do what ever I can to make a small difference and hope it gets passed down the line somewhere; you know "Paying It Forward." That is the best that can happen right now. Do not make yourself sick with the problems in the world, just do what little you can and hope for the best.