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I need help with paranormal activity.?

Alright. My friend and I were bored and wanted a scare. We decided on Light as a feather, stiff as board. When we did it to one of my friends she didn't really lift very high but she felt a hand in the middle of her back and it burned her. it's red and there is black stuff on the mark. Yes, she's wearing a black shirt. We had candles around when we did it and then one was out after, with NO liquid or remains of anything in it. I was sitting there and something fuzzy dug into my back and got a bit fierce so i freaked and got up. we were scared. we went outside and sat on the bench and saw STUFF in the window. All of us. then my friend stared into the window. we couldnt get her attention. she had a blank stare and she couldnt talk and she didnt for awhile. then she was ok after and didnt remember ANYTHING only bits and pieces. She doesnt remember anything when she was unusual. She wasnt talking or walking the same and wasnt her self. we all feel hot. what can we do, and what happened?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

As many are discovering, not only are we very far from alone in the "physical" universe, but there are probably endless non physical dimensions quite well populated with innumerable beings.

One theory has it that the "next" dimension, the 4th, is a "mixed space" in the sense that, as on Earth, "the good, the bad and the ugly" coexist side by side. But, from the 6th "on up" benevolence is more the order of the day.

When you start doing "rituals" you start opening yourself to curious visitors from the 4th. Some are definitely not the type of "friends" you'd like to attract.

I would suggest that you learn how to "clear" areas of "negative entities and energies" and how to protect yourself in the future from such problems. Working with Archangel Michael seems to always be helpful. A good book for general help in the area: *Angels: Companions in Magick* by Silver Raven Wolf

Best of luck --Always use good sense!! :))