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If you have read THE HIDING PLACE?

It is the same way with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you.?? pg. 26.

how has this quote impact corries life and what she went through?

how has this quote impact your life and how can you use it today and in the future?

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"The Hiding Place" is one of my favorite books. This passage has helped me greatly as a parent.

When my children were younger it would happen that a question was asked of which they should not have to bear the knowledge. My children were meant to be innocent, care free creatures and my response would be similar to the one that Corrie's father gave her.
For ex: "Pick up that desk in the other room and carry it here." "I know that its too heavy and you might get hurt. Knowledge can do the same to your spirit."

I explained that as their mind grows stronger I would let them carry more.
They in turn see this not as an avoidance or laziness on my part, but as parental care (even when they might not agree).

For my son who is now 13 this no longer applies. There is little I wouldn't tell him. For my daughter, who just turned 8, I still use this.

I hope I have communicated myself correctly. I type slower than I think and sometimes it shows.