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How do you know that your life is not a mere illusion, a dream, everything and everyone you know is not real?

How do you know what is real and what is not, what if the whole world is watching your every move, every second of your life recorded for the amusement of an entire world, a world you dont know exists, a world with technology so powerful they make your world seem real,
How do you know that the people who are watching you are laughing at you at this very moment, as you read this message?
They sent it because they know you would ignore it, they know you wont do anything to try to find out the truth
How big is the world, how many places do you see on TV places you have never been in, places that dont exist?
Havent you ever felt like you are the only one alive on this planet, think about it
you can sence it......
All the little coincidences could they all have been planned, why are all the things that seem too unreal or amazing happen to others but never you
What would you do if you realize all this is true?
and how are you sure you live in a real world
dont you have doubts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

"Cogito, ergo sum."
"I think, therefore, I am." ~Ren㩠Descartes.