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I'm designing my own T-shirt - what shall I write/draw on the front to do with streetdance?

I want to put some-thing appropriate on the front of my (at the moment) blanc white t-shirt. Once made I would like to wear it to my dance class so preferably I would like ideas to do with streetdance. Example: 'Cr*p dancer' or 'World's worst dancer'. Any ideas of writing or pictures to do with dance/streetdance will be very much appreciated. Thankyou.

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Additional Details

1 month ago
Add humour and imagination in answers please!

1 month ago
IMPORTANT! I'm actually a very good dancer and i'm the top in my class so i kind of wanted it to say some-thing ironic (example: S*it dancer)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What about:

"How's my dancing?...
Call 0800 KissMy*rse"