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What should i do this summer?

im 16.
i already applied for a summer job.
i live by the beach, so i know the beach is a option.
i do not have a a boyfriend, so dont put "have fun with your boyfriend" or whatever.
thank you.

Additional Details

2 months ago
i dont have alot of money to go out and do a bunch of things that you have to pay for.

2 months ago
i cant go on a road trip.

2 months ago
im not fat...
i weigh 95 pounds.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Go exploring throughout your city to find new places that you would have never noticed before. You will meet new people and might find some great places that you will regularly want to go. I would also hang out with friends, go to movies, go shopping, visit your beach (I wish I had one near me!), and enjoy every second before school starts again. We just got out of school today and I am looking forward to just relaxing and not thinking about any school work for 3 months!