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Worried... will I make it to model??

I really want to be a model. I need to spend $400.00 on photography so my agency can send them off to other people who shoot commercials, ads, even movies and more. (which doesn't mean their ripping me off, by the way) And I REALLY want to get the photos, but my mom said I have to save up my OWN money. I have about $350.00 in babysitting money saved up so like only two months more until I have enough....

But I'm afraid that I'll get nothing out of modeling; no jobs or casting; and that all that saved up money will go to waste. I dont want the money issue to stop me from my dream though, but I really am scared because apparently to other people I'm pretty in the classic sort of way, but I'm also short for my age (5ft at age 13) so I am scared no one will want to hire me because of my size. I'm not fat or anything, and im not super aenorexic skinny. I cant really change for their benefit, though.

I'm not even sure they'll look at my size. Can I have some advice PLEASE?????

Additional Details

2 months ago
I think I might be acting a little paranoid, though.... but I am REALLY worried.

I mean most jobs pay anywhere from $250.00 or more an HOUR so if I get like three jobs I might have already more then I spent.

Should I spend the money or just let my paranoia get the best of me?

I know I'm young and I'll make lots more money when I'm older but I worked hard for that money and I dont want to just, you know, lose it so fast as so worthlessly.

2 months ago
Actually my height is pretty short. A couple days ago I invited two of my friends over, one was my EXACT height and the other was normal size, like everyone else in my grade (3-4 inches taller which is actually alot) and I wore some 3-inch heels which made me the same height as my other friend, and I realized how short me and my fellow short friend look to other people. lol :)

2 months ago
My agency is John Robert Powers. I'm pretty sure they're good. If you've seen the second superman movie then the kid at the beginng who plays superman when he was younger you know? well he was a client of John Robert Powers. so I'm not really scared about my agency.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well first off if you love yourself other people will love you. When people see how confident you are with yourself they will to. Just believe in yourself if you want something bad enough tou will get it. And if you don't get that that means they have something better in store for you. So don't fret