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When does government funded art go too far?

so alot of my friends have taken a course with me in English about government funded art. we looked at a picture in art class called "Piss Jesus". it was basically a crusafix (spelling?) put in the artists urine. some of us called it art, while one of my friends got furied and started yelling about it being un holy and stuff. she was really mad because i wasnt on her side, and it seemed to really anger her. but to me it was just a form of art. i think that it wasnt the idea of what went on to make it, but rather the photo. it looked heavenly, and jesus was surrounded with a yellow light. it was very cool and entransing. i just want to know how far public art has to go before it is concidered corrupt and against morals. i think art is what the viewers define it, and i defined that piece as being art. but almost anything can be concidered art. i want to report back to my english and art teacher about this... thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think you have hit on a major point in your question. Government funded art goes too far when it deals with religion. For many, especially in the US, religion is a hot button issue. Things like the "chocolate Jesus" sculpture that recently came under fire is an excellent example. Have you seen this?

Some call it art and others call it pornography. Who decides? Generally speaking, however, art will always push the boundary between acceptable and disturbing. That's one of the drawbacks to creating art. . .you have to consider the needs and sensibilities of everyone.