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Baby Buster Generation? I heard of Baby Boomers but--this one?

Okay. I am 31. I was born in 1975. Now, I did my research on this about 7 years ago.

1946-1964- Baby Boomers

1965-1981 (or 1983) is the X Generation\

And 1983 - 2001 is the Y Generation.

Now, I went to this web site (it was a link in my email)

and well-I NEVER hear of the Baby BUSTER Generation born from 1965-1976.

Has anyone ever heard of this and if yes-do you know if any web sites that talk about Baby Busters?

All of these years-and I never heard of it. Is it a "New" Generation? Or I am just out of the loop?

Additional Details

2 months ago
Opps. I meant 1983-199? is the Y Generation.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I've heard a few things about the baby busters. It depends upon whose using the demographic term. Normally, demographic sociologists will deliniate a generation every 18 years, making the baby boomers from 1946-1964. In smaller terms, more or less in pop cultural reference, Busters apply to the few years where the birth rate was extremely low, the first few years of the so-called generation X. There has also been reference to the births of 1956-1965 as the Jones Generation (haven't figured out why, but that is the age group associated with post modernism - punk rock, anarchy, anti-hippie etc)

There are only about 17-20 million Gen X folks in America, compared to 76 million Baby boomers. I've heard the late life children of Baby Boomers and early life births of Gen Xers as Echo-Boomers, and they're about 80 million in populaton, born between 1982-1996.

I think that Busters was actually an earlier term used to describe the low births of the years mentioned. Generation X came later as the first group reached maturity, and the famous canadian book referencing the plight of their early adulthood.