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Do you think this is a good poem?

This is how it goes:

I just returned from vacation, to realize that its time for me to move on with my life.

I've liked this guy for a few years already but he loved someone else. I can't say I really loved him because I didn't, it was more that I like him. He knew the truth, but I didn't care.

I tried and tried to forget about him but couldn't. Finally I realized that I needed to get out of this place and go somewhere. Somewhere far far away. I flew to an island smaller then the island of Rhode Island where I stayed a few days.

There I realized that I am so lame which is a shame because someday my prince is going to come maybe not now, but one day.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think this poem is good but is has no depth. Poem speak of what you feel inside with big words, sometimes it's rather cheeze others it's verry posonite and moving. Your poem is more telling a short story not telling us all how you feel. So try to just a dd a little depth to your poem. But overall it is good!