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How many Yahooers are there 57 years of age or older?

Just asking cause I'm curious and I'm 57 as of Jan. 30 1950!
I could be 5 years older than that.. Cause a long time ago when still a child I saw a vision of myself as a baby being wheeled on a wheel bed want they use they transport people to operating rooms. I saw a time clock and
a calendar.. The calendar was opened at June.. the year 1945
had a 50 written over it there was a day circled 29 and the time clock said 5:29 AM when I was wheeled in I saw myself being scared.. what are these masked beings?. my mind was going.. aliens.. can't escape must remember for later understanding. Then I heard the word doctor and woke up! Whose the oldest on Yahoo? (just curious)

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2 months ago
Note: I may be 57 but I don't feel it. I am overweight some but I feel healthy and well 97% of the time! the other 3% is when I get sick usually when I eat too much processed food or use the microwave oven too much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hello, perhaps you saw some moments of your former life, you never know.Iⴭ 60 and Iⴭ not feeling that old as long as I can keep up with the technology of today and of course as long as oneⴳ health is good. I too would like to know who is the oldest on Yahoo. Have a nice day.